Module obl2021

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import os
import pickle
import urllib
import zipfile
from os import path
from typing import cast, Iterable, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from openbiolink.utils import split_list_in_batches_iter
from tqdm import tqdm

from openbiolink.graph_creation.file_downloader import FileDownloader

class OBL2021Dataset(object):
        root: Pathlike string to directory in which dataset files should be stored

    def __init__(self, root: str = 'obl2021'):

        self._dataset_path = root
        self._url = r""

        self._entity_label_to_id = None
        self._id_to_entity_label = None
        self._relation_label_to_id = None
        self._id_to_relation_label = None

        node_mapping = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "entities.tsv"), sep="\t", header=None)
        self._entity_label_to_id = {label: id for label, id in
                                    zip(node_mapping[1], node_mapping[0])}
        self._id_to_entity_label = {
            id: label
            for label, id in self._entity_label_to_id.items()

        relation_mapping = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "relations.tsv"), sep="\t", header=None)
        self._relation_label_to_id = {label: id for label, id in
        self._id_to_relation_label = {
            id: label
            for label, id in self._relation_label_to_id.items()

        self._training = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "train.tsv"))
        self._validation = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "valid.tsv"))
        self._testing = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "test.tsv"))

        self._num_entities = len(self._entity_label_to_id)
        self._num_relations = len(self._relation_label_to_id)

        with open(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, '_dict_of_heads.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
            self._dict_of_heads = pickle.load(f)
        with open(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, '_dict_of_tails.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
            self._dict_of_tails = pickle.load(f)

    def _download(self):
        if not path.isdir(self._dataset_path):

        # check if exists
        if not path.isdir(self._dataset_path) or not os.listdir(self._dataset_path):
                f"Dataset not found, downloading to {os.path.abspath(self._dataset_path)} ...")
            url = self._url
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            with tqdm(unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, miniters=1, desc=filename) as t:
                zip_path, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, reporthook=FileDownloader.download_progress_hook(t))
                with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as f:
            print(f"Dataset found in {os.path.abspath(self._dataset_path)}, omitting download...")

    def _load(self, path_):
        with open(path_) as file:
            df = pd.read_csv(
                usecols=[0, 1, 2],
            return torch.tensor(df.values)

    def num_entities(self) -> int:
        """Number of entities in the dataset"""
        return self._num_entities

    def num_relations(self) -> int:
        """Number of relations in the dataset"""
        return self._num_relations

    def training(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of training triples. Shape `(num_train, 3)`"""
        return self._training

    def testing(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of test triples. Shape `(num_test, 3)`"""
        return self._testing

    def validation(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of validation triples. Shape `(num_val, 3)`"""
        return self._validation

    def candidates(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of unfiltered candidates that can substitute for `?` in `(h,r,?)` and `(?,r,t)`. Shape (num_entities,)"""
        return torch.arange(self.num_entities).long()

    def stats(self) -> str:
        msg = "# Triples: ".ljust(15) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Train ".ljust(6) + str([0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Valid ".ljust(6) + str(self.validation.size()[0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Test ".ljust(6) + str(self._testing.size()[0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "# Relations: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_relations) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "# Entities: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_entities) + "\n"
        return msg

    def filter_scores(self, batch, scores, filter_col, filter_val=float('-Inf')) -> torch.Tensor:
        Filter scores by setting true scores to `filter_val`.

        For simplicity, only the head-side is described, i.e. filter_col=0. The tail-side is processed alike.
        For each (h, r, t) triple in the batch, the entity identifiers are computed such that (h', r, t) exists in all
        positive triples.

            batch: Batch of triples. Shape `(batch_size,3)`
            scores: The scores for all corrupted triples (including the currently considered true triple). Are modified *in-place*. Shape `(batch_size,num_entities)`
            filter_col: The column along which to filter. Allowed are {0, 2}, where 0 corresponds to filtering head-based and 2
            corresponds to filtering tail-based.
            filter_val: Value to which scores of already known triples are set, default -Inf

            A reference to the filtered scores, which have been updated in-place.
        for i in range(batch.size()[0]):
            if filter_col == 0:
                true_targets = self._dict_of_heads[batch[i, 2].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
                true_targets.remove(batch[i, 0].item())
                true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
                true_targets = self._dict_of_tails[batch[i, 0].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
                true_targets.remove(batch[i, 2].item())
                true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
            scores[i][true_targets] = filter_val
        return scores

    def get_test_batches(self, batch_size=100) -> Tuple[int, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]:
        """Splits the test set into batches of fixed size

            batch_size: Size of a batch
            A tuple containing the number of batches and an iterable to the batches.
        num_bat = int(np.ceil(len(self._testing) / batch_size))
        return num_bat, cast(Iterable[torch.Tensor],
                             split_list_in_batches_iter(input_list=self._testing, batch_size=batch_size))

class OBL2021Evaluator:

    def eval(self, h_pred_top10, t_pred_top10, triples, save_submission=True):
        Evaluates ranked lists of head and tail entity predictions for a set of evaluation triples. By default creates a submission file.

            h_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the head entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted head entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
            t_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the tail entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted tail entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
            triples: Set of evaluation triples. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,3)`
            save_submission: If true a submission file is created. Default: True

        assert t_pred_top10.shape[1] == h_pred_top10.shape[1] == 10 and t_pred_top10.shape[0] == h_pred_top10.shape[
            0] == triples.shape[0]

        # h,r->t
        t_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(t_pred_top10)
        t_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 2])
        h_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(h_pred_top10)
        h_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 0])
        pred_top10 =, h_pred_top10), dim=0)
        correct_index =, h_correct_index), dim=0)

        h10 = self._calculate_h10(, pred_top10)
        if save_submission is True:

        print("Please copy also the following line in the respective field of the submission form:")
        print({'h10': h10})

    def _to_torch(self, container):
        if not isinstance(container, torch.Tensor):
            container = torch.from_numpy(container)
        return container

    def _calculate_mrr(self, correct_index, pred_top10):
        # extract indices where correct_index is within top10
        tmp = torch.nonzero(correct_index.view(-1, 1) == pred_top10, as_tuple=False)

        # reciprocal rank
        # if rank is larger than 10, then set the reciprocal rank to 0.
        rr = torch.zeros(len(correct_index)).to(tmp.device)
        rr[tmp[:, 0]] = 1. / (tmp[:, 1].float() + 1.)

        # mean reciprocal rank
        return float(rr.mean().item())

    def _calculate_h10(self, correct_index, pred_top10):
        # extract indices where correct_index is within top10
        total_h10 = torch.sum(torch.any(correct_index.view(-1, 1) == pred_top10, dim=1))

        return float(total_h10 / correct_index.shape[0])

    def _save_test_submission(self, pred_top10):

        #assert (pred_top10.shape == (361928, 10)), "Shape not (361928, 10) but " + str(pred_top10.shape)
        print("Shape not (361928, 10) but " + str(pred_top10.shape))

        if isinstance(pred_top10, torch.Tensor):
            pred_top10 = pred_top10.cpu().numpy()
        pred_top10 = pred_top10.astype(np.int32)

        filename = os.path.abspath('pred_OBL2021')
        np.savez_compressed(filename, pred_top10=pred_top10)
        print("Submission file saved here: " + filename + ".npz")


class OBL2021Dataset (root: str = 'obl2021')


Pathlike string to directory in which dataset files should be stored
Expand source code
class OBL2021Dataset(object):
        root: Pathlike string to directory in which dataset files should be stored

    def __init__(self, root: str = 'obl2021'):

        self._dataset_path = root
        self._url = r""

        self._entity_label_to_id = None
        self._id_to_entity_label = None
        self._relation_label_to_id = None
        self._id_to_relation_label = None

        node_mapping = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "entities.tsv"), sep="\t", header=None)
        self._entity_label_to_id = {label: id for label, id in
                                    zip(node_mapping[1], node_mapping[0])}
        self._id_to_entity_label = {
            id: label
            for label, id in self._entity_label_to_id.items()

        relation_mapping = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "relations.tsv"), sep="\t", header=None)
        self._relation_label_to_id = {label: id for label, id in
        self._id_to_relation_label = {
            id: label
            for label, id in self._relation_label_to_id.items()

        self._training = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "train.tsv"))
        self._validation = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "valid.tsv"))
        self._testing = self._load(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, "test.tsv"))

        self._num_entities = len(self._entity_label_to_id)
        self._num_relations = len(self._relation_label_to_id)

        with open(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, '_dict_of_heads.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
            self._dict_of_heads = pickle.load(f)
        with open(os.path.join(self._dataset_path, '_dict_of_tails.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
            self._dict_of_tails = pickle.load(f)

    def _download(self):
        if not path.isdir(self._dataset_path):

        # check if exists
        if not path.isdir(self._dataset_path) or not os.listdir(self._dataset_path):
                f"Dataset not found, downloading to {os.path.abspath(self._dataset_path)} ...")
            url = self._url
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            with tqdm(unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, miniters=1, desc=filename) as t:
                zip_path, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, reporthook=FileDownloader.download_progress_hook(t))
                with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as f:
            print(f"Dataset found in {os.path.abspath(self._dataset_path)}, omitting download...")

    def _load(self, path_):
        with open(path_) as file:
            df = pd.read_csv(
                usecols=[0, 1, 2],
            return torch.tensor(df.values)

    def num_entities(self) -> int:
        """Number of entities in the dataset"""
        return self._num_entities

    def num_relations(self) -> int:
        """Number of relations in the dataset"""
        return self._num_relations

    def training(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of training triples. Shape `(num_train, 3)`"""
        return self._training

    def testing(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of test triples. Shape `(num_test, 3)`"""
        return self._testing

    def validation(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of validation triples. Shape `(num_val, 3)`"""
        return self._validation

    def candidates(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Set of unfiltered candidates that can substitute for `?` in `(h,r,?)` and `(?,r,t)`. Shape (num_entities,)"""
        return torch.arange(self.num_entities).long()

    def stats(self) -> str:
        msg = "# Triples: ".ljust(15) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Train ".ljust(6) + str([0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Valid ".ljust(6) + str(self.validation.size()[0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Test ".ljust(6) + str(self._testing.size()[0]) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "# Relations: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_relations) + "\n"
        msg = msg + "# Entities: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_entities) + "\n"
        return msg

    def filter_scores(self, batch, scores, filter_col, filter_val=float('-Inf')) -> torch.Tensor:
        Filter scores by setting true scores to `filter_val`.

        For simplicity, only the head-side is described, i.e. filter_col=0. The tail-side is processed alike.
        For each (h, r, t) triple in the batch, the entity identifiers are computed such that (h', r, t) exists in all
        positive triples.

            batch: Batch of triples. Shape `(batch_size,3)`
            scores: The scores for all corrupted triples (including the currently considered true triple). Are modified *in-place*. Shape `(batch_size,num_entities)`
            filter_col: The column along which to filter. Allowed are {0, 2}, where 0 corresponds to filtering head-based and 2
            corresponds to filtering tail-based.
            filter_val: Value to which scores of already known triples are set, default -Inf

            A reference to the filtered scores, which have been updated in-place.
        for i in range(batch.size()[0]):
            if filter_col == 0:
                true_targets = self._dict_of_heads[batch[i, 2].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
                true_targets.remove(batch[i, 0].item())
                true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
                true_targets = self._dict_of_tails[batch[i, 0].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
                true_targets.remove(batch[i, 2].item())
                true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
            scores[i][true_targets] = filter_val
        return scores

    def get_test_batches(self, batch_size=100) -> Tuple[int, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]:
        """Splits the test set into batches of fixed size

            batch_size: Size of a batch
            A tuple containing the number of batches and an iterable to the batches.
        num_bat = int(np.ceil(len(self._testing) / batch_size))
        return num_bat, cast(Iterable[torch.Tensor],
                             split_list_in_batches_iter(input_list=self._testing, batch_size=batch_size))

Instance variables

var candidates : torch.Tensor

Set of unfiltered candidates that can substitute for ? in (h,r,?) and (?,r,t). Shape (num_entities,)

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def candidates(self) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Set of unfiltered candidates that can substitute for `?` in `(h,r,?)` and `(?,r,t)`. Shape (num_entities,)"""
    return torch.arange(self.num_entities).long()
var num_entities : int

Number of entities in the dataset

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def num_entities(self) -> int:
    """Number of entities in the dataset"""
    return self._num_entities
var num_relations : int

Number of relations in the dataset

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def num_relations(self) -> int:
    """Number of relations in the dataset"""
    return self._num_relations
var stats : str
Expand source code
def stats(self) -> str:
    msg = "# Triples: ".ljust(15) + "\n"
    msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Train ".ljust(6) + str([0]) + "\n"
    msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Valid ".ljust(6) + str(self.validation.size()[0]) + "\n"
    msg = msg + "".ljust(5) + "Test ".ljust(6) + str(self._testing.size()[0]) + "\n"
    msg = msg + "# Relations: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_relations) + "\n"
    msg = msg + "# Entities: ".ljust(15) + str(self.num_entities) + "\n"
    return msg
var testing : torch.Tensor

Set of test triples. Shape (num_test, 3)

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def testing(self) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Set of test triples. Shape `(num_test, 3)`"""
    return self._testing
var training : torch.Tensor

Set of training triples. Shape (num_train, 3)

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def training(self) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Set of training triples. Shape `(num_train, 3)`"""
    return self._training
var validation : torch.Tensor

Set of validation triples. Shape (num_val, 3)

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def validation(self) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Set of validation triples. Shape `(num_val, 3)`"""
    return self._validation


def filter_scores(self, batch, scores, filter_col, filter_val=-inf) ‑> torch.Tensor

Filter scores by setting true scores to filter_val.

For simplicity, only the head-side is described, i.e. filter_col=0. The tail-side is processed alike. For each (h, r, t) triple in the batch, the entity identifiers are computed such that (h', r, t) exists in all positive triples.


Batch of triples. Shape (batch_size,3)
The scores for all corrupted triples (including the currently considered true triple). Are modified in-place. Shape (batch_size,num_entities)
The column along which to filter. Allowed are {0, 2}, where 0 corresponds to filtering head-based and 2
corresponds to filtering tail-based.
Value to which scores of already known triples are set, default -Inf


A reference to the filtered scores, which have been updated in-place.

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def filter_scores(self, batch, scores, filter_col, filter_val=float('-Inf')) -> torch.Tensor:
    Filter scores by setting true scores to `filter_val`.

    For simplicity, only the head-side is described, i.e. filter_col=0. The tail-side is processed alike.
    For each (h, r, t) triple in the batch, the entity identifiers are computed such that (h', r, t) exists in all
    positive triples.

        batch: Batch of triples. Shape `(batch_size,3)`
        scores: The scores for all corrupted triples (including the currently considered true triple). Are modified *in-place*. Shape `(batch_size,num_entities)`
        filter_col: The column along which to filter. Allowed are {0, 2}, where 0 corresponds to filtering head-based and 2
        corresponds to filtering tail-based.
        filter_val: Value to which scores of already known triples are set, default -Inf

        A reference to the filtered scores, which have been updated in-place.
    for i in range(batch.size()[0]):
        if filter_col == 0:
            true_targets = self._dict_of_heads[batch[i, 2].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
            true_targets.remove(batch[i, 0].item())
            true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
            true_targets = self._dict_of_tails[batch[i, 0].item(), batch[i, 1].item()].copy()
            true_targets.remove(batch[i, 2].item())
            true_targets = torch.tensor(list(true_targets)).long()
        scores[i][true_targets] = filter_val
    return scores
def get_test_batches(self, batch_size=100) ‑> Tuple[int, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]

Splits the test set into batches of fixed size


Size of a batch


A tuple containing the number of batches and an iterable to the batches.

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def get_test_batches(self, batch_size=100) -> Tuple[int, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]:
    """Splits the test set into batches of fixed size

        batch_size: Size of a batch
        A tuple containing the number of batches and an iterable to the batches.
    num_bat = int(np.ceil(len(self._testing) / batch_size))
    return num_bat, cast(Iterable[torch.Tensor],
                         split_list_in_batches_iter(input_list=self._testing, batch_size=batch_size))
class OBL2021Evaluator
Expand source code
class OBL2021Evaluator:

    def eval(self, h_pred_top10, t_pred_top10, triples, save_submission=True):
        Evaluates ranked lists of head and tail entity predictions for a set of evaluation triples. By default creates a submission file.

            h_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the head entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted head entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
            t_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the tail entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted tail entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
            triples: Set of evaluation triples. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,3)`
            save_submission: If true a submission file is created. Default: True

        assert t_pred_top10.shape[1] == h_pred_top10.shape[1] == 10 and t_pred_top10.shape[0] == h_pred_top10.shape[
            0] == triples.shape[0]

        # h,r->t
        t_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(t_pred_top10)
        t_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 2])
        h_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(h_pred_top10)
        h_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 0])
        pred_top10 =, h_pred_top10), dim=0)
        correct_index =, h_correct_index), dim=0)

        h10 = self._calculate_h10(, pred_top10)
        if save_submission is True:

        print("Please copy also the following line in the respective field of the submission form:")
        print({'h10': h10})

    def _to_torch(self, container):
        if not isinstance(container, torch.Tensor):
            container = torch.from_numpy(container)
        return container

    def _calculate_mrr(self, correct_index, pred_top10):
        # extract indices where correct_index is within top10
        tmp = torch.nonzero(correct_index.view(-1, 1) == pred_top10, as_tuple=False)

        # reciprocal rank
        # if rank is larger than 10, then set the reciprocal rank to 0.
        rr = torch.zeros(len(correct_index)).to(tmp.device)
        rr[tmp[:, 0]] = 1. / (tmp[:, 1].float() + 1.)

        # mean reciprocal rank
        return float(rr.mean().item())

    def _calculate_h10(self, correct_index, pred_top10):
        # extract indices where correct_index is within top10
        total_h10 = torch.sum(torch.any(correct_index.view(-1, 1) == pred_top10, dim=1))

        return float(total_h10 / correct_index.shape[0])

    def _save_test_submission(self, pred_top10):

        #assert (pred_top10.shape == (361928, 10)), "Shape not (361928, 10) but " + str(pred_top10.shape)
        print("Shape not (361928, 10) but " + str(pred_top10.shape))

        if isinstance(pred_top10, torch.Tensor):
            pred_top10 = pred_top10.cpu().numpy()
        pred_top10 = pred_top10.astype(np.int32)

        filename = os.path.abspath('pred_OBL2021')
        np.savez_compressed(filename, pred_top10=pred_top10)
        print("Submission file saved here: " + filename + ".npz")


def eval(self, h_pred_top10, t_pred_top10, triples, save_submission=True)

Evaluates ranked lists of head and tail entity predictions for a set of evaluation triples. By default creates a submission file.


Top 10 predictions for the head entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted head entity with rank j+1 for the triple triples[i]. Shape (num_eval_triplets,10)
Top 10 predictions for the tail entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted tail entity with rank j+1 for the triple triples[i]. Shape (num_eval_triplets,10)
Set of evaluation triples. Shape (num_eval_triplets,3)
If true a submission file is created. Default: True
Expand source code
def eval(self, h_pred_top10, t_pred_top10, triples, save_submission=True):
    Evaluates ranked lists of head and tail entity predictions for a set of evaluation triples. By default creates a submission file.

        h_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the head entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted head entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
        t_pred_top10: Top 10 predictions for the tail entity. The value at (i,j) is the ID of the predicted tail entity with rank `j+1` for the triple `triples[i]`. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,10)`
        triples: Set of evaluation triples. Shape `(num_eval_triplets,3)`
        save_submission: If true a submission file is created. Default: True

    assert t_pred_top10.shape[1] == h_pred_top10.shape[1] == 10 and t_pred_top10.shape[0] == h_pred_top10.shape[
        0] == triples.shape[0]

    # h,r->t
    t_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(t_pred_top10)
    t_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 2])
    h_pred_top10 = self._to_torch(h_pred_top10)
    h_correct_index = self._to_torch(triples[:, 0])
    pred_top10 =, h_pred_top10), dim=0)
    correct_index =, h_correct_index), dim=0)

    h10 = self._calculate_h10(, pred_top10)
    if save_submission is True:

    print("Please copy also the following line in the respective field of the submission form:")
    print({'h10': h10})